Trump Needs to Tell the Truth About Niger

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: President Donald Trump
On October 4, four soldiers belonging to the Third Special Forces Group were killed in Niger in an ambush led by 50 ISIS fighters. As usual, Trump's response fell short of presidential expectations. Many questions have remained unanswered since the attack, with more questions arising every day.

Please sign this petition demanding that President Trump tell us the truth about what happened in Niger.

Immediately following the ambush, the Department of Defense misreported how many soldiers had been killed and withheld information about a soldier who went missing. The soldier's body was found two days after the ambush. It remains unclear how he was separated from the others and how he died. There are also questions about why intelligence didn't disclose the possibility that the soldiers would meet such opposition.

The situation in Niger is being called "Trump's Benghazi," with many accusing the administration of withholding information about the ambush. Senator John McCain has even accused the White House of not being transparent enough and has said that, as the chairman of the Senate armed services committee, he might seek a subpoena.

On top of lying to the public, Trump also botched his response to the ambush by disrespecting the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, the soldier who went missing. When calling to supposedly offer his condolences, Trump said that Johnson "knew what he signed up for," leaving her in tears when she got off the phone.

Trump's presidency is a non-stop trainwreck. We cannot keep letting Trump get away with disrespecting and lying to the American people. Please sign this petition demanding that Trump come clean and tell the truth about what happened to those fallen soldiers in Niger.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr
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