Please help raise awareness of the need for protection of the critically endangered Rhino species by insisting Craig Ferguson and the Late Late Show producer remove the mounted Rhino head trophy from their set above the fireplace. Even though it is artificial, it sends the wrong message.
Please Watch This Interview which encompasses one of the reasons for Craig to remove his artificial Rhino Head from above the fireplace on his set: President & CEO of Humane Society of United States Speaks Out Against Rhino Hunting for a Price:
Tell Craig Ferguson to stop glorifying the senseless hunting and slaughter of these and all endangered species by taking that Rhino head trophy down. It is very disturbing and disrespectful, not adding anythiing funny to their TV set. It is actually very sad.
Please read the articles and view the gory videos of Rhinos being slaughtered only for their horns which are falsely believed to be of medicinal value. If we do not do more to protect Rhino species from brutal poachers, they will be extinct in the next several years inspite of added conservation, management, and protection.
Perhaps Craig Ferguson could get someone from WWF or the Rhino Foundation as a guest and make a great awareness plug as he removes the mounted head as a great gesture to help protect the Rhinos from extinction.
You can do even more! Please share this with your friends and relatives encouraging them to participate by signing the petition. The goal is to have 10,000 signatures by November 30th.
We can do this only with your help now.
Great Gratitude for helping to have the Rhino head trophy removed from this TV Set.
Greetings Mr. Craig Ferguson, Producer and Staff of "The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson":
Please remove the mounted Rhino head trophy from your set above the fireplace for the sake of these Critically Endangered Species!
Please read the articles and view the gory videos of Rhinos being senselessly slaughtered only for their horns which are falsely believed to be of medicinal value. If we do not do more to protect Rhino species from brutal poachers, they will be extinct in the next several years inspite of added conservation, management, and protection.
Please stop glorifying the senseless hunting and slaughter of these and all endangered species by taking that Rhino head trophy down. It is very disturbing and disrespectful, it does not adding anythiing funny to your set. It is actually very sad.
Please Watch This Interview: President & CEO of Humane Society of United States Speaks Out Against Rhino Hunting for a Price:
Perhaps you could get someone from WWF or the Rhino Foundation as a guest and make a great awareness plug as you remove the mounted head as a great gesture to help protect the Rhinos from extinction.
Great Gratitude for taking the Rhino head down and off your set, explaining to your audience why and raising awareness to this critical issue.
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