Legalize Hemp farming in the united states

Hemp farming is a great way to reduce our society's impact on our environment.  In one year an acre of hemp can produce the same amount of usable fiber as 4.1 acres of trees which can only be harvested every 20 years.  Hemp can replace cotton in a variety of products and is a much more ecologically sound option.  50% of all the world's pesticides are used on cotton.  Hemp is most often grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides. Let's make a change in how we treat our environment and get informed! Hemp is noted as one of the most valuble and sustainable plants in the history of mankind and was soon discredited because of money and power hungry oil barons who used racism as a way to derail the renewable resources industry.  For more information please visit

Ron Wyden proposes farm bill amendment that would allow farmers to grow industrial hemp! Watch video!

and take action by calling your senators today! click here!

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