• av: MJ Robinson
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Justin Trudea, Gov.General David Johnston,Rachel Notley,Christy Clark,Gregory Selinger,Brian Gallant,Paul Davis,Bob McLeod,Stephen McNeil,Peter Taptuna,Kathleen Wynne,Wade MacLauchlan,Phillipe Couillard,Brad Wall,Darrel Pasloski

Animals are being abused, neglected, tortured and killed all across Canada at an alarming rate. The laws are not tough enough on the criminals who do these atrocious acts to innocent lives. Animal protection and welfare laws should be enforced in ALL areas of Canada, specifically remote communities & unorganized territories.

Many uncared for animals are abandoned, neglected, abused, starved, shot, poisoned or in some cases burned alive. We must put a stop to these atrocities. Put regulations in place with remote communities that have no by-laws and unorganized territories, without access to veterinarians, that an animal entering these remote areas need to be vet checked,vaccinated, spayed & neutered prior to entering. Also to make sure these animals will be properly cared for. Proper care means the animal has food daily, water, shelter from all elements, protection from wildlife such as wolves and bears. If a remote community DOES NOT have the means or money to properly provide an animal with the required standard of care as the Animal Welfare Act states, then all animals should be BANNED from entering these communities until they get the care they need. Any animal found that is not properly cared for, should be immediately removed to a rescue for surrender to get the proper care and adopted or until the owner can get the animal cared for by a vet. Fines or jail time should be brought forth to ANYONE bringing an animal into a remote community that DOES NOT have this plan in place or who is abiding by the Animal Welfare Act laws of that province. We MUST put a stop to these atrocities;the dog shoots, poisionings, abuse and neglect that is continually taking place in these remote communities. It's a selfish act to bring any animal into a situation that causes the animal suffering and it also against the law under the Criminal Code Act. It's very simple to stop this from happening, if YOU cannot AFFORD to feed, water, provide shelter, vet care and love, THEN DON'T GET A PET. You may have the right to have a pet but not a right to neglect it.

From the Provincial Animal Welfare Act:


The people of Canada and their government: Believe that how we treat animals in Canada helps define our humanity, morality and compassion as a society;Recognize our responsibility to protect animals in all of Canada

Uppdatera #48 år sedan
Sign and share! We cannot let this continue, we must stop these atrocities from happening. Let's stop all funding to these communities who continue to abuse, starve, neglect, abandoned these innocent animals!
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Don't tell me that "owning" a pet is a right, it's NOT, it's a privilege that comes with responsibility as a pet guardian given to us by God. Just like having a child, YOU must be able to properly care and love that living being for it's lifetime. Food, water, shelter, protection, health care, grooming, respect, LOVE.
If you cannot provide these things, then don't be selfish, DON'T become a parent of a 2 legged or 4 legged blessing. Responsibility. Learn what it means.
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Thank you to all who sign, please, keep signing & sharing to protect our four legged family members.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
We have a long way to go, but don't give up, we can never give up. Those animals need our support and voices to tell the Government that we want change NOW!
Thank you for your support.
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