Demand that Mayor Coderre rescind his intended DSL.

  • av: John Morin
  • mottagare: Mayor Denis Coderre, Montreal, Qc.

Mayor Denis Coderre's office says the city is still planning to ban pit bulls — even though a Quebec government advisory panel suggests such a ban might not be the answer. "We're staying the course," the statement reads. "A reinforcement of the rules to ban pit bulls and other dangerous breeds is being prepared, and should be made public shortly."

Mayor Coderre, 

Why do you insist on going forward with this legislation? This sort of legislation has repeatedly been shown to be ineffective, uninforceable and costly. You need to address the problem of dog attacks regardless of the breed. In fact, Pitbulls rank 8th in the number of attacks on humans and other animals. Maybe you should look at the other seven and then impose a ban on them as well. But then where does it end? Do you stop at #10, 15, 20?

You truly need to address this from the standpoint of reason and not simply jump on the bandwagon against one specific breed.

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