Choose Saving the Great Barrier Reef Over Dirty Coal

The Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia's greatest icons — and it's being affected by coral bleaching thanks to coal mines.

Carbon emissions are the biggest threat to the Great Barrier Reef. Conservative estimates say that up to one third of the Great Barrier Reef has been affected by coral bleaching, but more recent surveys have shown it is closer to one half. Never has this iconic reef been more under threat, yet the environment minister, Greg Hunt, approved the Carmichael coal mine.

Without Carmichael, Australia is already the world's largest exporter of coal, and the addition of the Carmichael coal mine will emit an extra 79 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year — more than some countries, and equal to Malaysia and Austria combined.

Instead of approving more coal mines, Australian leaders should say yes to renewable energy. This would protect the reef from further harm, and save the government money in long-term energy costs.

The scale of coral bleaching is unprecedented, and the speed is taking even the most conservative scientists by surprise. A healthy reef that sustains an entire eco-system is more important to Australia than any coal mine will ever be.

I choose the Great Barrier Reef. Will you stand with me? Sign this petition in support of the Australian Conservation Foundation, who is taking the federal environment minister to court and challenging his approval of the Adani Carmichael mine in Queensland.
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