Free Dolphins from the Baltimore Aquarium

  • av: Colleen H
  • mottagare: John Racanelli, CEO of the Baltimore Aquarium

The Baltimore Aquarium recently announced it was considering moving its eight resident dolphins from the captivity of the aquarium to an ocean-side sanctuary.

The Aquarium is one of Baltimore's biggest tourist attractions. Removing these dolphins from confinement and caring for them in the manner they deserve will set a precedent for other conservation groups and tourist attractions. Hopefully Sea World will pay attention.

The board of directors is currently deciding the fate of 42-year-old Nani, 5-year-old Bayley, and the six other intelligent, playful marine mammals. We need to show them that we support the idea of freeing these dolphins and applaud their decision to actually care for the animals in their charge.

Please join me and send a message to CEO John Racanelli that you support the decision to free the dolphins of the Baltimore Aquarium!

Dear Mr. Racanelli,

I am writing to show my support for the proposal to send the dolphins of the Baltimore Aquarium to a sanctuary.

I applaud your care for these animals.

[Your name here]
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