Ban Halal and Kosher slaughter

Denmark recently banned the practice of slaughtering animals that had not been pre-stunned for religious reasons, such as for Halal or Kosher meat. The Danish Government recognised that animal welfare was more important than such religious practices.

Halal and Kosher slaughter requires animals to be slaughtered while conscious by a single cut to the throat. In practice animals often suffer lingering deaths as the process is easily botched, requiring many cuts to a terrified, agonised conscious animal. Even if the first cut is successful, the animal can bleed to death over a protracted period, extending unnecessary suffering.

Please sign my petition which asks the leaders of the three main UK political parties to include a commitment to banning no-stun slaughter in their manifestos. In the run up to the General Election in May, the party leaders can prove their commitment to animal welfare in the UK.

David Cameron, Ed Milliband and Nick Clegg, we ask you to recognise that animal welfare is more important than political practice in a civilised, secular and caring society's ugh as ours. Please include a commitment to banning slaughter for Halal and Kosher meat in your manifesto.
Signera petitionen
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