NO to Heathrow third runway

A third runway at Heathrow will mean more air traffic in London thus more danger, more pollution and more noise. West London has the most congested roads above and below.
A third runway will increase air traffic and road traffic.  Britain should do what other European countries do: INVEST TAX PAYER  MONEY in  RAILWAYS. Merchandise should be transported by train not by planes. People homes will be destroyed to make way to a third run way. The environment will be subjected to more pollution, more noise and more danger. There is no economics benefit to British people from expanding Heathrow.. What benefit will British people gain from having more goods made in countries where workers are exploited, arriving at Heathrow?  TAX PAYER MONEY SHOULD BE INVESTED IN IMPROVING THE RAILWAYS AND CREATE MANUFACTURING JOBS IN BRITAIN NOT IN EXPANDING HEATHROW AIRPORT TO IMPORT MORE GOODS MADE IN  COUNTRIES WHERE PEOPLE ARE EXPLOITED,  

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