Pass A "Right to Rescue" Law To Save Texas Dogs From Hot Cars

    Each summer, with temperatures soaring into the triple digits, the peril to animals trapped in hot cars in Texas grows alarmingly. This summer was the second hottest on record, with some Texas cities going more than 40 days with temps exceeding 100F. Many U.S. States have laws in place that protect Good Samaritans who see animals trapped in hot cars and take steps to rescue them responsibly. But Texas, with its sweltering heat, has no such laws in place.

    We must urge the Texas Legislature to pass vital legislation that will empower Good Samaritans to safely and legally rescue animals from these life-threatening situations. HB 3756 and SB 2421, proposed by Representative Lulu Flores and Senator Judith Zaffirini, offer a beacon of hope. These bills aim to provide legal protection to those who act to save domestic animals in imminent danger due to extreme heat in vehicles, however, they have little support and have gone nowhere since they were introduced.

    By signing this petition, you are not only voicing your support for these critical bills but also taking a stand for compassion, responsibility, and the welfare of our beloved animal companions. Sign today and tell the Texas Legislature that we MUST do what we can to save these animals by allowing good citizens to rescue them without fear of repercussions!
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