Tell the Australian Government to Release Secret Details about a Massive Oil Spill

  • av: Georgia B
  • mottagare: Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg

An offshore oil and gas well located in Australian waters leaked oil continuously for two months in 2016, though its whereabouts and operator were kept secret and the spill was never made public, according to a report in The Guardian.

As the report states: "In its annual offshore performance report released this week, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority included a mention of a 10,500-litre spill in April 2016. It provided limited details about, noting that it had been identified during a routine inspection."

"After inquiries from the Guardian, Nopsema said the leak went on for two months, at a rate of about 175 litres a day. It went unnoticed while the floating platform was undergoing maintenance and was only discovered when the platform returned."

Why was this environmental disaster kept secret? The Australian public should have been informed and incidents like this should never happen again!

Will you join me in demanding the Australian Government releases details about the oil spill and stops any new offshore oil or gas developments to protect the environment.
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