Let's reinforce the importance of sustainability at Swinburne.

For several weeks now we have been trying to work with the student union to get the Swinburne Environment Collective (SEC) and community garden up and running, with little movement. It was established several years ago and is still in good shape but just needs some work! For those of you who were unaware that Swinburne even has a community garden, it is located behind 18G, right next to the Film and TV building. 

The union seem very uninterested is having any sort of involvement, particularly as it may mean bringing in a sustainability representative, which the union don't currently have.

Given this lack of interest on their behalf, we feel it is important to make clear that sustainability needs to be valued within the university upheld by student representatives, particularly given the climate crisis that we are currently facing. 

If sustainability is important to you, we have started a petition to show the student union that there is a growing interest in sustianability.

This in no way means that you are committing to anything, but simply gives us something to take to the union to show that there is growing interest. Please share this with anyone you think may be interested, even those who aren't directly involved with the university! 

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