Stop Mass Killing of Romanian Dogs

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: President of the Senate, Prime Minister of Romania Victor Ponta, Romanian Tourism Minister

Three Million stray dogs in Romanian dogs face death as a form of population control while it is more humane, and economically logical, to spay and neuter the animals.

One unspayed female dog, her mate and their offspring can produce up to 67,000 dogs in only 6 years.

The price to spay one female dog certianly outweighs the price to hired a dog-catcher to catch 67,000, and euthanize them.

We ask Romania to find humane and economically sound solutions and stop the senseless mass killing of dogs.

President of the Senate- Crin Antonescu


Prime Minister of Romania-- Emil Boc
Piata Victoriei no.1
sector 1, Bucharest

Phone: +40-21-314 34 00, 319 15 64

Email :

The Romanian Tourism Minister-- Elena Udrea


Three Million stray dogs in Romanian dogs face death as a form of population control while it is more humane, and economically logical, to spay and neuter the animals.

One unspayed female dog, her mate and their offspring can produce up to 67,000 dogs in only 6 years.

The price to spay one female dog certianly outweighs the price to hired a dog-catcher to catch 67,000, and euthanize them.

We ask Romania to find humane and economically sound solutions and stop the senseless mass killing of dogs.

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