Sadigh Gallery Ancient Art Inc. - A matter of Great Concern

Sadigh Gallery - based in Manhattan, New York has been selling "antiquities" for over 30 years. They also sell  online having a very large website and undertake very extensive online marketing. Many collectors and every dealer we have been in touch with say that  less than 5% of the items on sale on the website are genuinely ancient even though they are sold with certificates of authenticity. It is very often said that most of the items are actually tourist souvenirs. Items vary in cost between $50 and $90,000.

We also see that these two other large websites: 

International Reliquary:

World Wide Store:

offer a large number of the same items, using the same photographs and the same descriptive text. We understand that Mr. Sadigh signs the Certificates for these sellers. Mr Sadigh never, as far as we know, admits to a "mistake" but he does refund money right away when the (many) buyers ask to return purchases. After 30 years in the business Mr. Sadigh cannot distinguish between genuine and fake. Many people we have been in touch with come to other conclusions. We speak for a large number of collectors who are very concerned about this. What do you think about this? What should be done? We feel that this matter should be taken up by the relevant authorities. Selling tourist type items as authentic artifacts when they are not is fraud. Mr. Sadigh might refund the money to customers when they find out, but what about the customers that never find out?

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