Settlement In Palm Springs Lawsuit Will Mean Improvements In Conditions For Homeless Animals

VICTORY                        VICTORY                                                                                 

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. – In a big step forward for Palm Springs’ homeless dogs and cats, a settlement is being entered in California Superior Court resolving a lawsuit against the city, police and animal control officials, and the Friends of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter that alleged systematic abuses at the city’s shelter and improper use of the term “no kill.” In a lawsuit filed in April 2011, the national non-profit Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and Riverside County residents had argued that the Palm Springs Animal Shelter failed to follow state and local laws protecting animals, resulting in the extremely high euthanasia rates of adoptable animals, despite the shelter’s publicizing itself as a “no-kill” facility. The lawsuit also alleged that the shelter failed to provide routine veterinary care to Palm Springs’ sick and injured homeless animals. Troutman Sanders LLP provided pro bono assistance with the lawsuit and the settlement agreement. ALDF is still awaiting signatures on the final settlement agreement.

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