Fix North Territorial Road from Spencr Rd to Ridge Rd, Washtenaw County

  • av: Bob Hlavacek
  • mottagare: This petition is directed to the Wqashtewnaw County Road Commision and Washtenaw County Board of Commisioners, in the State of Michigan.

North Territorial Road, in the County of Washtenaw, from Spencer Road, East to Ridge Road,
has been eroading for over five years.  Huge holes have been patched by county employees using shovels and truck loads of 'Cold Patch'. There exists patch on top of patch. The road surface is so rough that vheicles wioth a light rear end bounce off the road. The road surface has done countless sums of money for tire and vehicle repair.

Residents and road users have made countless requests to the Washtenaw Road Commission and the Washtenaw County Board but get no positive response and no suybstantial repair or rebuild action. This road is the only hardsurface road in the northern one third of the county that carries traffic from the East county line to the West county line. East bound traffic is extremely heavy servicing the West and North areas of the county in th morning and the reverse is true  West bound in the evening.

We the undersigned demand action from the Washtenaw County road commission and the Washtenaw county Board to allocate funds to make perminant repairs to North Territorial Road as soon as possible in the Spring and Summer of 2013.     

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