Fireworks Hurt Our Lungs and Initiate Wildfires. Why Do U.S. States Still Let Consumers Buy Them?

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: 49 U.S. States + Washington D.C.
The Fourth of July is one of the most traumatic times of the year for so many people and animals living in the United States. Not only do these dangerous, loud, and bright explosives trigger PTSD episodes, harm people with sensory disorders, and terrify pets/wildlife, firework shows also create dangerously bad air quality for all of us. But it doesn't have to be this way.

Only one state in the U.S. - Massachusetts - has completely banned consumer firework products and sales.

Sign now to demand all other U.S. states follow in Massachusetts footsteps and ban consumer firework sales for good!

Crucially, banning consumer sales means that the state can still put on firework displays. They are just regulated, conducted by professionals, and scheduled in advance. That means there's a much smaller chance that an errant firework will go off in highly sensitive ecosystems, or worse - start the latest wildfire. In a dry, climate change-ravaged environment, just one spark can be all it takes to ignite a deadly blaze that can quickly spread out of control.

All communities would benefit from stricter regulations on fireworks and a consumer sales ban. The informal and unsafe neighborhood fireworks that last for days or weeks on end often cause dirty, smoky air to linger. This bad air quality is terrible for our lungs, and especially for the respiratory systems of children and elderly people.

All U.S. states should ban consumer firework sales! We must protect our neighbors, our pets, and our air! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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