We want 'HBO Now' service to be available in Poland

Decision of creating new standalone service called HBO Now was
welcomed with warm feeling by people all around the world. Then, we
realized that this bold move of HBO will be relevant only for users based
in USA and its territories.
In recent times, more and more young people do not watch standalone
TV, do not own TV receiver so they don't have cable-tv subscriptions, but they use broadband internet connection, so for such group HBO Now
is finally hi-quality and LEGAL service they are ready to pay for.
Growing popularity of VPN-based solutions and large number of illegal
downloaded episodes of "Game of Thrones" in locations outside USA
seems to confirm such statement.
We assume that reason for geo-restrictions is about owning rights for
broadcasting content. However, we should remind that Poland is among
several European countries in which HBO exists and broadcasts content
under its own name. So there are no reasons to limit internet service
for Polish viewers to HBO Go, which quality and stability is often
Current situation is, in fact, privileging one market, it's making
impossible to increase number of customers, who often and often recently seek to mobile solutions to consummate content now and here,
wherever they are located.
So that's why we ask You to make HBO Now available in Poland.

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