Stop Norway from Feeding Minke Whales to Mink in Fur Farms

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, and the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries

A new document reveals how Norway's controversial and dying whaling industry is exploiting even more animals. Low minke whale meat sales and exports have driven the desperate whaling industry to feed mercury-filled minke whales to mink and foxes trapped in Norway's hellish fur farms

According to National Geographic, a new document released by the Environmental Investigation Agency and Animal Welfare Institute shows that over 113 metric tons of minke whale products (or approximately 75 whales) was bought or used by Rogaland Pelsdyrfôrlaget, the largest manufacturer of animal feed for Norway’s controversial fur industry.

It's nauseating to think about one of the world's cruelest industries funding the other: 75 minke whales were robbed from the ocean to end up as feed for other animals trapped in hell. Sign and share this petition demanding that Norway stop feeding minke whales to mink just to keep an archaic and unnecessary industry afloat.

Photo Credit: Len2040

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