Spokane fish and game shoot cougar

 Spokane fish and game took no time at all to shoot and kill a defensless cougar that had been roaming around a neighborhood for 4 days (without incodent) but they could not wait ten minutes for the trankulizer to take affect?  so they killed it! it was not harming anyone! these animals are protected and its against the law to shoot and kill them without the proper hunting licence etc.. they are not above the law! ohh wait yes they are! please sign the petition to hold the fish and game accountable for there actions!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Important! after contacting Spokane officials it was found that Spokane police officers did not shoot the cat, fish and game did! I apologize for any misunderstanding and have changed the petition as to direct towards fish and game and not the Spokane police dept.
Again my apologizes if I offended anyone!
thank you Terry Van Scotter.
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