WholeSoy & Co: We Love You and Don't Want You to Go!

We're very sad to learn that WholeSoy & Co. is going through tough times and plans to shut down operations. They offer an exceptional product that makes it easier for people to go vegan, benefiting animals and the planet.  We are here to tell them we don't want them to go, and encourage them to consider other options, like doing some crowdfunding.

Please sign and share this petition!

Thank you so much for caring,

Fiona the hamster, VeganStart.org

Dear WholeSoy & Co,

You're loved very much by us and we will miss you if you leave. Especially Fiona the hamster!

We really want you to stay in business, and ask that give some alternative fundraising avenues a try - why not try some crowdfunding?

We're here for you, WholeSoy & Co, please tell us what we can do to help!


Your fans.

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