Life Solution for our Wolves instead of Slaughter

To help perserve our wolves future.

This petition is to offer a SOLUTION to the WOLF SLAUGHTER.Both sides of an valid issue,but EXTERMINATING a species,to near extinction,just to have to try to reinstate the population later is rediculious.There are people who are willing to offer their time,effort, and money to protect our wolves,by removal and replacement.It seems all the hunters want is another reason to hunt and kill.They do this for SPORT,NOT SURVIVAL,hunting for survival in the states where the wolves are an issue,is not needed.Wisconsin,Montana,Wyoming,Idaho ect.. these states are not in such a poverty level, that hunting is a way of survival.If we continue to overlook this issue ,our wolves will be EXTINCTPlease join me and get our President to listen to SOLUTIONS INSTEAD OF  SLAUGHTER.......Thank You.

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