Cats should be classed as property like dogs.

What has happend is that If a kitten or cat has been taken from a mother's care before 12 weeks there nothing you can do I've had this problem and  I informed the police and informed the RSPCA but due to cats being feral there not classed as property like dogs.
You insure cats, you take them to the vets, you feed and love cats, all the same as what you do with dogs so they are your property.
What needs to happen is that cats need to be treated and have the same rights as dogs or any other animal, this is happening all the time, I feel so strongly about this.
For instance a dog is stolen police react so why if a kitten/cat is stolen there's nothing that can be done,
You can't take a puppy,kitten or even a child from it's mother's care at an age where they need them the most.

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