Free Sunder the Elephant!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Dr. Patangrao Shripatrao Kadam, Foreign Minister of India

A young elephant named Sunder was donated to India's Jyotiba temple by a member of the Legislative Assembly. Since his arrival years ago, Jyotiba's handler has been keeping him in a dark shed with barbed chains confining his ankles. The chains prevent the elephant from taking even one step.

Sunder is all alone and suffers abuse from his handler. The elephant has suffered an eye injury from being stabbed with an ankus (a sharp, hooked weapon similar to a poker).

Music legend and animal rights activist Sir Paul McCartney has written a letter to India's Foreign Minister urging him to help free the young elephant. Please follow his lead and urge Dr. Patangrao Shripatrao Kadam to remove Sunder from his abusive environment and relocate him to a suitable elephant sanctuary.

To: Dr. Patangrao Shripatrao Kadam, Foreign Minister of India

We are shocked to hear about the abuse of a young elephant named Sunder who was donated to India's Jyotiba temple by a member of the Legislative Assembly. Since his arrival years ago, Jyotiba's handler has been keeping him in a dark shed with barbed chains confining his ankles. The chains prevent the elephant from taking even one step.

Sunder is all alone and suffers abuse from his handler. The elephant has suffered an eye injury from being stabbed with an ankus (a sharp, hooked weapon similar to a poker).

This elephant has suffered needless abuse long enough and deserves to carry out the rest of his life in comfort and peace. We urge you to help remove Sunder from his abusive environment and relocate him to a suitable elephant sanctuary. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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