Fully fenced Off Leash Dog Area in Noosa

  • av: Teri Fuz
  • mottagare: Local MP for the Tewantin area Tony.Wellington@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

Hi, all you people who are requesting an enclosed dog park in the Noosa area, someone has spoken to the Council, and it has been strongly suggested that everyone writes to the Local MP for the Tewantin area,ie Tony.Wellington@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au ASAP so that this can get under way, possibly in Heritage Park in Tewantin. Apparently it will not happen in Gympie Terrace, as this is to close to a Tourist area. So I, and many others I know would be very happy in Heritage Park. Hopefully we can get something happening.

If you don't already know, Heritage Park is in the Noosa Outlook estate and from memory (i used to hang out there as a kid) its a great place for a fully fenced dog park :) 

Spread the word and write to the local MP, hopefully we can get the ball rolling :)
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