Boycott Beef in Oregon! It will protect cougar, stop animal abuse, and protect our ecosystems!

  • av: Jayne Miller
  • mottagare: Governer Kitzahaber, Senators and State Representatives

Support our petition and let Oregon's Governor, State Legislative Assembly and cattle lobbyists know we are no longer buying their beef!!

The cattle industry in Oregon destroys the balance of our wildlife, destroys valuable wetlands and precious green sinks, supports horrific livestock animal abuse that can produce tainted foods, is a burden to our tax payers, and decimates our Natural predators by way of hound hunting, trapping, shooting, baiting and other inhumane torture and killing.  Lobby Groups that support the cattle industry in Oregon need to be removed and politicians that support the cattle industry in Oregon need to be voted out. 

Please, sign this petition and boycott beef in Oregon!  Jayne Miller Director of Oregon Cougar Action Team states, “Stop being part of the problem!  Stop eating beef.  It is that simple.”  As stated by fellow animal rights advocate John Cox, "The Voting public needs to know a Lobby Groups power is only power when we perceive it as being a Reality -- In Truth it is our Vote that is the power, and our purchasing power, or lack of purchasing due to Boycott, is much more powerful!"  

Thank you for signing our petition to boycott beef in Oregon!

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