Demand an end to illegal mining in Emils nose!

  • av: John Lemon
  • mottagare: Environmentalists, scientists, trunk enthusiasts

With years of unfruitful exploration, oil tycoons have caused severe damage to our environment. Unbelievably, illegal fracking and mining operations are still allowed to continue across the northern regions of Emils nose. Countless animals have already been lost, not to mention the irreparable damage to the rainforests of the southern section of the nose. Scientists have warned of potentially disastrous consequences both internal and external if we allow this exploration to continue. With trunking season in full flow we need to take action immediately. We must fight this now to protect our children and theirs! #notinmynose #trunkmesenseless

With years of unfruitful exploration, oil tycoons have caused severe damage to our environment. Unbelievably, illegal fracking and mining operations are still allowed to continue across the northern regions of Emils nose. Countless animals have already been lost, not to mention the irreparable damage to the rainforests of the southern section of the nose. Scientists have warned of potentially disastrous consequences both internal and external if we allow this exploration to continue. With trunking season in full flow we need to take action immediately. We must fight this now to protect our children and theirs! #notinmynose #trunkmesenseless

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