Disney XD’s “Pair Of Kings” orginally had Mitchel Musso playing "King Brady". But for Season 3, Mitchel Musso was removed from the show following an incident where he was pulled over for underage drinking and driving, receiving a DUI. DisneyXD replaced him by adding “Zeke and Luther” star Adam Hicks to the cast as "King Boz". Many Pair of Kings fans are outraged that Disney would take away the actor that they claim they watched the show for!
Hicks is a great actor,but he can't fully turn over Mitchel's fans. There was something about Mitchel that made Pair of Kings a great show. It's just not the same now that Mitchel left the show. Disney shouldn't fire Mitchel after one mistake. He should at least be given another chance. Many of the other celebrities have done way worse. They should not permanently delete the main characters (King Brady) so suddenly . He was not only what fans viewed as the funniest character, but he also was a love interest for "Mikayla". Disney shouldn't just delete one of the main characters after two full seasons, ruining the whole show in general as fans lose interest.
DEMAND Mitchel Musso be put back on Pair of Kings for the next season. He deserves a second chance. Also, Disney should keep Adam Hicks, making three kings. There is nothing seriously wrong with Adam, but Pair of Kings is nothing without King Brady
Dear Disney,
As you know, the show Pair of Kings have been on DisneyXD has been going on for two seasons and a hit DisneyXD show. Pair of Kings have many fans. On season 3, Mitchel Musso (playing King Brady) was released from the show after receiving a DUI, and was replaced by Adam Hicks (King Boz). Adam Hicks is a good actor, but fans enjoy watching King Brady. King Brady cannot be eliminated from the show after two seasons. Many Pair of Kings fans are outraged that Disney would take away the actor that they claim they watched the show for! Hicks is a great actor,but he can't fully turn over Mitchel's fans. There was something about Mitchel that made viewers very committed to the show. He was a love interest for Mikayla, and he was what fans viewed as the funniest. He gained so many fans after being on "Hannah Montana", "Life is Ruff", and his current work on "Phineas and Ferb". It's just not the same now that Mitchel left the show. Mitchel's character should be brought back to the show for the next season and given another chance to prove himself. Many of the other stars have done worse. You cannot delete a character (King Brady) that fans love the most and expect them to be o.k with it. Deleting Mitchel will only cause Pair of Kings ratings to plummet as angry fans decide not to watch the show.
Mitchel Musso should be brought back, or expect ratings to plummet. The signers of this petition pledge not to watch Pair of Kings. Mitchel Musso (and King Boomer) is the heart of Pair of Kings. It began with them, it should end with them. However, since Adam is now an added king, Pair of Kings should be three kings: King Boomer, King Boz, AND KING BRADY.
Pair of King Fans
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