Ban Marjorie Taylor Greene from serving on the Homeland Security Committee

House Republicans just placed conspiracy theorist and Trump-enthusiast Marjorie Taylor Greene on the House Homeland Security Committee.

In 2021, Marjorie Taylor Greene lost her committee assignments after making many incendiary statements, including inciting violence against Democrats. Some Republicans even joined Democrats in voting to take away her assignments!

But now, Greene will be on the Homeland Security Committee which oversees national security issues like border security, counterterrorism, election security, and cybersecurity. This conspiracy theorist has even spread lies that the September 11th attacks were a hoax – she should be nowhere near matters of our national security!

We need Congress to act with courage once again and strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments. Some Republicans did it before, they can do it again. Sign the petition: Ban Marjorie Taylor Greene from serving on the Homeland Security Committee >>

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