Palm Oil production Destroys the Rainforest! STOP using it Trader Joes!!

According to Scientific American magazine, and the Union of Concerned Scientists as well as Worldwatch, It is widely know and accepted that the harvesting of palm oil is a huge contributer to deforestation of rainforests including in Indonesia were orangutans are Endangered of extinction from habitat loss as well as Sumatran tigers, Rhinos and countless other plants and animals. I recently visited Trader Joe's to try shopping for some healthy eco-conscious foods when I was shocked to realize PALM OIL is in so many of their name brand products. It is a shame they would build their reputation upon being ecologically conscious while all along contributing to such an environmental disaster. I won't shop there again and I encourage others to do the same and I URGE the corporate offices of Trader Joes to educate themselves about the social, environmental, and ecological consequences of the demand for Palm Oil. Please Join me!!

You must stop using Palm Oil in your products or you must stop calling yourself eco-conscious!!

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