Stop all dog factory breeding in the EU!

  • av: ESDAW
  • mottagare: The National Assembly for Wales, United Kingdom Parliament and the EU.

Intensive puppy and kitty breeding is the hidden cruelty behind the pet store window, in the newspaper, or the internet.

The general public are unaware that puppy and kitty farms exist and can house hundreds of animals, imprisoned for life as they churn our litter after litter of puppies or kittens.

Both the mother and father dogs spend day after day ceaselessly pacing back and forth in small enclosures, their only way of coping with endless despair.


Because of the over breeding situation in Europe both by conventional breeding and by so-called puppy farms of companion animals and that the problem of stray animal population is overwhelmingly large in the EU (Europe) and that the dog trafficking has greatly increased - must this mass production of dogs, exclusively in order to making money - stop immediately.

That Welsh and indirectly the United Kingdom and other EU member states give their approval to this cruel business is a disgrace - when veterinarians, knowing people, WHO, RSPCA and almost all inserted organizations advocating that mass breeding in this manner must stop NOW!

Because of the over breeding situation in Europe both by conventional breeding and by so-called puppy farms of companion animals and that problem of stray animal population is overwhelmingly large in the EU (Europe) and that the dog trafficking has greatly increased - must this mass production of dogs, exclusively in order to making money - stop immediately.

That Welsh and indirectly the United Kingdom and other EU member states give their approval to this cruel business is a disgrace - when veterinarians, knowing people, WHO, RSPCA and almost all inserted organizations advocating that mass breeding in this manner must stop NOW!

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