RethemepiratesandtheCaribbean ride into the princess and the frog : Tiana’s Caribbean journey at Disneyland resort

Splash mountain is retheme into princess and the frog on 2024  at three Disney parks and it's an outrageously ridiculous to own human kind!

I think What fans really need is to rethemed pirate and the carribean ride into a brand new the princess and the frog ride. Plus rethemed restrant bayou blue into tiana's place only at new olreans sqaure at disneyland park at disneyland resort in california. That's is truly what princess Tiana was thinking about this whole time. cause she's born in new olreans Louisiana her hometown where's her story begins to the very end. And besides she's rather had a cave adventure and a restaurant much more better than a mountain! #voteyes

#addtoyourbucketlist for #rethemingpiratesandthecaribbeanatdisneylandresort #DigALittleDeeper #tianascaribbeanjourney 

Uppdatera #42 år sedan
Please sign this petition for a worthy cost !
Uppdatera #32 år sedan
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
Uppdatera #23 år sedan
Tiana place will be replaced by blue bayou restaurant at New Orleans square at Disneyland park
Uppdatera #13 år sedan
#MakeADifference #HumanRights #RethemepiratesandtheCaribbeanatdisneylandresort #BlackLivesMatter #justiceforprincesstiana
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