Save the SS Oceanic

The SS Oceanic is one of the most successful oceanliners afloat. It has sailed the 7 seas throughout its 45 year history. There are only a handful of ships that could claim this endevour. Right now, the ship is currently sailing on its final chartered voyage with The Peaceboat. Since Peaceboat has acquired the Ocean Dream from Pullmantur Cruises, the Oceanic has been placed on the open market. If the ship isn't sold by the end of April to early May, the vessel will be sold for scrap. We can not afford to see this unique and versatile ship go to the ship breakers. For those of you who fell that this ship deserves a second chance at life as a hotel ship, like the SS Rotterdam, please sign this petition to voice your memories of this wonderful ship. Together, we can at least give the ship a chance to have a bright future as it was done with the SS Rotterdam.

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