Stop fast train services being cut from Whitton to Waterloo

Please sign this petition if you do not want many of the fast train services from Whitton to Waterloo to be cut back.

After extensive research into the planned new timetables, local resident Jo Humphreys believes that the 7.30 a.m, 8 a.m. and 8.30 a.m fast services from Whitton to Waterloo will all be cut and replaced with slow services, and this is just what's planned for the morning peak period.

This will result in Whittonites facing longer journeys into work in the morning and/or having to change at Twickenham.

If you do not want these fast services to be cut, please sign this petition so that we can show South Western Rail et al what strength of feeling there is against the plans.

You can read more about the planned changes to morning routes in the table shown above.

You can also respond to South Western's consultation on the issue here:

Thank you for your support!

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Thanks for signing the petition against cutting fast train services from Whitton to Waterloo. There is now more info for you here:

If you are able to share on Facebook, etc. that’s great. If you’re free, help us get more signatures at Whitton station at 6 pm Monday.

You can also respond to South Western Rail here:
Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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