Stop chemical pollution Učka National Park

I am blessed to live in a beautiful part of Croatia, close to a Učka National Park. The last few weeks there has been an aeroplane visible in the sky, almost continuously. These are not normal passenger planes: too many planes at the wrong times and wrong flight paths. Flying over the sea and land emitting white visible pollution that then spreads out and forms clouds.  

I can see white residues on plants in my garden and in straight lines throughout the forest in Veprinac, that I have not seen before. As a guest in this beautiful country, it is so sad to witness such blatant violation of nature going unquestioned.

Croats are so close to nature and I admire that the government had the guts to say no to GM seeds many years ago, so I am asking whoever gave permission for this to be fearless and just say no more.

Please protect the plants, animals and people here from this unnecessary pollution.

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