Tell Canada To Protect Animals In Aquatic Parks!

Did you know that in Canada, there are no laws regulating zoos, aquatic centres or animal parks? Laws under cruelty to animals apply, but as far as regulations about what kind of conditions animals must be kept in, Canada is turning a blind eye and letting the industry regulate itself.  In other words, it isn't until the animals are actually suffering and dying that anyone can do anything.

This week, heavy allegations were levied against Marineland, a water park in Ontario that is home to orcas, beluga whales, seals and more. Former employees stated the facility is dangerously understaffed, the water and living conditions are exceedingly poor and animals are neglected and suffering.

Call on the Prime Minister of Canada to enact laws regulating the welfare of captive animals in Canada! Protect the animals we are keeping in captivity and ensure their health, safety, and right to live a life in clean water and in appropriate facilities.

Dear Mr Harper,

I am greatly disturbed by the allegations that appeared in the Toronto Star about the conditions marine animals are enduring at the Marineland water park.

I am even more disturbed to discover that there are no laws or government regulations that ensure animals in captivity are being treated humanely.

I am asking that you, as Prime Minister, undertake laws that ensure that animals in captivity are protected, with regulations in place protecting their humane treatment and safety.

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