Demand investigation into police's badger cull bias

A marksman who was hired to shoot badgers and transport their corpses has claimed in court that the police kept him informed of the location of protestors, thereby breaking their promise to remain neutral during the cull. Please sign this petition to demand a formal investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

A police spokeswoman said, in response to McIntosh's claims: "At no point did Gloucestershire constabulary co-ordinate the resources of the company carrying out the badger cull." Given McIntosh's statement was made in a court of law and that the police are directly contradicting it, only a formal investigation will uncover the truth.

Marksman David McIntosh, who was in court for crashing a van carrying badger carcasses, says that his crash was due to the radio used to receive updates from the police getting wedged under his brake pedal. This claim contradicts police claims to have never supported supported the company that carried out the cull. Now, anti-cull activists Gloucestershire Against Badger Shooting are demanding answers. 

Please sign this petition to demand that the IPCC launch an investigation. If enough people sign, it will be clear that the public expect the police to be held accountable for any potentially undemocratic behaviour and dishonesty. The right to protest is an invaluable part of our democracy, and vital to animals who need us to speak out on their behalf.

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