Stop the Government from ripping pet owners off!

I just received news today that dog and cat mandatory registration fees have increased and are set to increase on the 1st July every year!

The current fees are: Desexed $40, not desexed $150 and pensioner desexed $15. These fees have increased to: Desexed $49, not desexed $182 and pensioner desexed $19. People are already struggling to pay the original fees, especially when their pets are impounded and are forced to front the fee to get their pet out. People are leaving their pets in the pound because they simply cannot afford to get them out. Now, this increase in fee and increase every year is inevitably going to leave more animals homeless in shelters! Which will lead to more euthanized innocent animals every year.

I work in a Pound and what the Government does not see is us, working in the frontline to force people to hand over their money. I have been spat on, I have had my car keyed, I have had people threaten to take my life. In my Pound we are protected by a cage, so that people cannot attack us. The reason this is happening is because of the Government, trying to take more money off the people. Now, us on the frontline are going to cop more abuse then ever! The ones though, who are going to suffer from this are the animals. How are we supposed to get reform in this country and how are we supposed to get euthanasia rates down when the government is giving us no choice!!

Speak out about this, please sign this petition, this needs to stop!!

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