Kosher Consumers: "Stop Shackle-&-Hoist!"

We immediately call upon all kosher meat companies (namely Alle Processing, who appears to be the largest importer of meat from South America distributed in the North American kosher market & the Neto Group, the largest importer of meat to Israel) to halt their importation of meat from plants that continue the practice of Shackle & Hoist in their production process. As kosher consumers, we urge these companies to provide public transparency regarding which meat comes from slaughterhouses that practice upright slaughter, a more humane method of handling that is approved by the OU.

For more background on this situation, please read these new pieces in the Jewish Forward, the Jerusalem Post & in Hebrew for Israelis

And to learn more about this issue, see The Shamayim V'Aretz Institute's shackle-and-hoist resource page. 

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