Matthew's Movement

On March 21st 2018 Matthew Cave Sieglock was in a vehicular fatality in Redding California and the cause of that fatality was bad weather and the driver LILY RICHEY running a red light. Matthew was pronounced deceased. Soon after the accident occurred the driver had taken off and flee the accident for two days, the only reason she came forward was because a Snapchat video leaked out and proved that she was the driver, what I want for Matthews Movement is whenever there is a vehicular fatality I think the driver should be given a mandatory drug test at the scene of the accident, to rule out using illegal drugs. And if they refuse the drug test it will be a mandatory DUI with severe jail time and and a very large fine. This all coukd have been prevented if responsible actions were taken so we need this movement in place to protect others so this kind of crime doesnt become more common. 

Uppdatera #36 år sedan
If all of you that new Matthew can write me a letter in his honor I am helping his dad with a civil suit you could send letters to please just take the time and just stay how you knew Matthew what a good person he was and how he changed your life it would really help our civil suit and hopefully if it does go to trial
Uppdatera #26 år sedan
I just would like to reach out to everybody and let them know a little bit about why I chose Matthews movement, Matthew was an extraordinary man a talented artist a phenomenal friend to many that loved him and I want him to know that we are doing everything in our power to be his voice to fight for his Justice because his life was taken at such a young age I want to try to get a bill into Congress which is Matthew's movement, Please share this with all your friends so we can get more signatures.
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
I would like to thank everybody that has taken the time to sign the petition for Matthews movement I will keep everybody updated as things follow.
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