Investigate and Find Person Responsible for Poisoning Six Dogs to Their Death!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Cooke County and Del Rio, Tennessee Police Department

Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites nationwide in an effort to help this family find closure regarding the deaths of their six dogs and finding the person responsible. All the animals were considered healthy one day and dead the next. Let us help the family through this petition by getting the word out so authorities can find the guy who could harm these beautiful, healthy animals.

In Del Rio, Tennessee, in Cooke County, the Ramsey family had six healthy dogs that they love but suddenly died all within days of each other. These dogs were all vibrant hunting dogs and as they began passing away, the family first suspected it was due to the parvovirus going around. However, why would a dog be jumping around and playful in the morning, with no listless signs of illness and suddenly deceased by evening. "I don't really know what's going on," Ms. Brooke Ramsey admitted.

The family stated that all of the dogs were chained up outside, including their wolf dog, which Ramsey said was her son's favorite. The sudden death of the dog got even harder, when Ramsey's husband noticed something unusual laying next to their dog's body. "When my husband found the wallet laying there with his I.D. and social security card in it, we decided to call the police," Ramsey said.

The family is sure that this guy who lost his wallet "at the scene of the crimes" is indeed responsible for poisoning the dogs for no apparent reason. This is a stranger that the family never met so why would he target and kill their animals. Handing the wallet to authorities, the Ramsey family wants this abuser found and prosecuted for his crimes so that this does not happen to anyone else. Help the this family with your support and any information you may have and gain justice for the six innocent animals who lost their lives at his hands.

Please sign and share this petition on all your media sites nationwide in an effort to help this family find closure regarding the deaths of their six dogs and finding the person responsible. All the animals were considered healthy one day and dead the next. Let us help the family through this petition by getting the word out so authorities can find the guy who could harm these beautiful, healthy animals.


Cooke County and Del Rio, Tennessee Police Department - You must find the person who's wallet was found right next to one of the deceased dogs. This has got to be a big clue, and through further thorough investigation, others tips and clues can surface so that you can charge the abuser with six felony counts for each animal that he killed - there may be more you are not aware of and need to get this guy off the streets and severely punished, banning this perpetrators from ever coming near another animal for the rest of his life!

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