Demand Petsmart in Palmdale, CA bring Half Way To Home Dog Rescue back!

This is a statement directly from Half Way to Home Dog Rescue's FB page:

An Unexpected Change
In an abrupt turn of events our 11 year partnership with PetSmart is over.

On July 8th at our regularly scheduled PetSmart adoption event, we denied a potential adopter a dog because we were concerned the dog she expressed interest in was too young, big and rambunctious to safely live with her current three small dogs. We have made these types of decisions in the past when we think the placement is not in the best interest of the dog or dogs involved. This customer did not move on to another dog, but instead escalated her dissatisfaction to anger and involved PetSmart management.

HWTH was told on July 11th they could not bring dogs to PetSmart on the weekend of July 14/15 pending a review from PetSmart Charities and upper PetSmart management. We received official word on July 20th we were not going to be allowed to return. Saturday July 21st we brought a caravan of volunteers with trucks and trailers to pick up the contents of a 40' container and 11 years worth of dog adoption supplies.
Over those 11 years we adopted out an average of 10 dogs a week, with a total of 5,927 dogs adopted over the duration of that partnership. Without a weekly adoption location we cannot re-home dogs at such a brisk pace. And that pace enables us to not only rescue more dogs, but keeps this rescue running.
We are now actively pursuing both a mobile adoption model and another brick and mortar location. Every week we don't have this problem solved is a week we are not re-homing dogs.

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