Justice for Annie
Annie was a friendly deer who lived in this community for years. She was brutally murdered by an officer that had been hired by the tribe. This officer was sent there for a different matter and Annie just happened to be in the area. He decided on his own to use a catch pole on this gentle animal, pin her to the ground and shoot her in front of children and people who loved her. He did not even consider any other alternative. Justice for Annie https://www.facebook.com/groups/342649654964552 https://www.facebook.com/100012596772305/videos/pcb.1810432206053321/771110894734585 https://www.facebook.com/100012596772305/videos/pcb.1810432206053321/246492234712774 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1810430729386802&set=pcb.1810432206053321
Uppdatera #1ungefär ett år sedan
Well, I have now been banned from the #justiceforannie group. I'm not at all sure what their agenda is. They claim I broke rules but I don't see where what I was doing broke any rules. I have left the group. Nothing I can do will bring Annie back or ease the pain felt in the community anyway. I'm sorry I tried to help.
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