800 dogs saved from Chinas meat trade

Eight hundred sick and terrified dogs are fighting for their lives after being rescued from the dog-meat industry …. One local animal shelter in Chengdu has kindly taken in around 350 of the dogs and Animals Asia’s vet team is offering advice, medicines and practical help with quarantine and treatment.

Please donate to Animals Asia, so we can provide more emergency help for these dogs, and so that we can continue our campaign to end the terrible trade in dogs (and cats) for their meat. Here are a few examples of how your gift can provide immediate help for the dogs:

US$3 buys 5 litres of IV fluids (saline)
US$15 buys 10 food bowls
US$24 buys 100 surgical gloves
US$46 buys 20 blankets
US$60 buys 20 surgical gowns
US$88 buys two large dog beds
US$150 buys 100 IV catheters
US$188 buys four isolation cages
US$314 employs a temporary shelter-worker for a month


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