Miami Shores: Let Couple Keep Their Vegetable Garden!

Miami Shores village authorities recently ordered retired architect Hermine Ricketts and her husband to dig up the vegetable garden in their own front yard or pay a $50/day fine. The 17-year-old garden contained okra, eggplant, kale, lettuce and different varieties of Asian cabbage. Ricketts says she never had to visit the supermarket to buy vegetables. Now she does, and is feeling the sting of overpriced organic produce.

The couple is suing Miami Shores for $1. They aren't interested in money; they only want to restore the vegetable garden they enjoyed tending on their own property. The Miami Village code currently prohibits residents from growing vegetables in their front yards, though flowers, fruits and plastic flamingoes are allowed.

People should be allowed to grow food on their own private property. Tending a garden is a wholesome hobby that should be encouraged, and growing vegetables helps save money and ensure control over the food one eats. The Ricketts' garden did no harm over the past 17 years, so there's no reason to prevent them from growing another. Please sign the petition to convince Miami Shores to let the couple keep their vegetable garden!

We, the undersigned, recently learned that Miami Shores village authorities ordered retired architect Hermine Ricketts and her husband to dig up a vegetable garden in their own front yard or pay a $50/day fine. The 17-year-old garden contained okra, eggplant, kale, lettuce and different varieties of Asian cabbage. Ricketts says she never had to visit the supermarket to buy vegetables. Now she does, and is feeling the sting of overpriced organic produce.

As you know, the couple is suing Miami Shores for $1. They aren't interested in money; they only want to restore the vegetable garden they enjoyed tending on their own property. We understand that the Miami Village code currently prohibits residents from growing vegetables in their front yards, though flowers, fruits and plastic flamingoes are allowed.

People should be allowed to grow food on their own private property. Tending a garden is a wholesome hobby that should be encouraged, and growing vegetables helps save money and ensure control over the food one eats. The Ricketts' garden did no harm over the past 17 years, so there's no reason to prevent them from growing another. We believe current laws can be amended to prevent unattractive weeds and overgrowth while allowing for a tidy and productive garden. We respectfully urge you to to let the couple keep their vegetable garden!

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