Holmdel residents standing up against criminals endangering our families

Too many Holmdel residents are being negligent with their personal property and have created a reputation for this township that we are easy prey for criminals who travel here specifically to commit crimes.

This negligence endangers us all: eventually, these marauding criminals might harm or kill someone.

Please sign this pledge to take reasonable precautions to deter crime, including never leaving your key-fob in your car, never leaving valuables in plain sight in your car, keeping the perimeter of your home well-lit, being vigilant, and calling the Holmdel Police if you see anything suspicious.

Acting together, we can send a signal to criminals: we shall not be victims, we shall not endanger our family, our community, and our property by being negligent.

Again, please sign this pledge, make appropriate changes, and ask fellow Holmdel residents to do the same.

Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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