At 5:35 am on Saturday, March 4th 2017 President Trump sent the 1st Tweet accusing former President Obama of wire tapping Trump Tower during the 2016 election. He then followed it up with more Tweets, public verbal statements by him and his spokespeople, and called for an investigation.
An earthshaking charge, on the level of Watergate. But, from the beginning, it was obvious that the charge is false.
The charge has been clearly and unequivocally denied, dismissed debunked, disproven and declared rediculous by intellegence officials, and yet 'President' Donald Trump continues to promulgate it.
Not only is he making himself look like a fool and proving yet again that he is a liar, he is damaging the credibility of the office, the Federal government and the entire country.
With his Russian scandal and the AHCA boondoggle taking up so much attention, this issue is likely to sink out of the news within weeks. Especially if Trump throws another outrageous mistake onto the rapidly growing pile.
President Obama was clearly slandered and libeled by this. It is an open & shut case with mounds of irrefutable proof. Cases of slander/libel in the world of celebrities have routinely resulted in multimillion dollar verdicts.
As a private citizen Mr. Obama is not restricted by laws that prevent a sitting president from taking legal action against such attacks.
I believe Trump needs to be taught a serious lesson for the good of the country. The words of the President have great power, yet he blabs and Tweets things out with little or no consideration for the possible consequences. Since he cares only about money, the best way to teach him this lesson is to take a bite out of his wallet - 50,000,000$ at least.
Maybe that will make him think twice before his next reckless Tweet storm.
Even if Obama does not want the money, he should sue anyway for the good of the country and donate it to a good charity. Then he should go after Fox 'News' and other right wing propaganda outlets for even more money! Make lying expensive!
Dear President Obama, We The People of the United States of America feel that you need to take action against the lies of your successor. Since they are a clear case of slander/libel against you personally, you are in a unique position to teach President Trump the lesson that his words matter. We ask that you sue for at least 50 million dollars.
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