STOP! Dolphin Slaughter

        • Hundreds of dolphins killed in japan to be sold to fish markets and aquariums. They are tortured by letting them suffer 24 hours before a unmercifully killing.
        • September through May 20,000 dolphins/ whales are killed.
        •  The dolphins sold in fish markets are sold up to 5000 yen or 640$. Aquariums are prepared to buy it for £90,000 or $145341. Every year about 100 bottlenose dolphins and 50 pilot dolphins.

        • The Taiji whale and dolphin hunts continue because the fishermen receive immense profits. Whales and dolphins slaughtered for meat may reach as much as 9000 US dollars each at market.
        • They say the cause of the killing is a tradtion back decades ago from March to September, but the government says its for reducing population to help the fish market.
        • They try to cover it up so much and also in the markets they say its "whale" meat.

        • Due to interaction with marine pollution, whale and dolphin meat contains high levels of Mercury and PCB's. This poses a real threat to the health and safety of those who consume the meat.


thank you for your kindness to care about some other living being.

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