Help this High Kill Shelter

  • av: Allison Sanders
  • mottagare: Pitt County Animal Shelter, Pitt County, NC

This shelter makes no bones about their overcrowding; even contacted local news WITN to announce to the public that they were SO overcrowded that the life expectancy of any dog left there would be 3 days. I tried to contact the news station, but the asst producer, Bill Williams, was too busy to address my concern and blew me off. I only wanted a follow up. Now they are up to a 5-day wait to be killed, according to the facility, with whom I spoke to, today. They just need more land for expansion; they are full.
It all depends on Pitt County, NC. They are willing to kill dogs after 3 days and not expand for this overcrowded shelter when they could be nationally televised heroes, like Tia Torres!
Can't see 5 feet or one re-election year ahead of them.

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