Please sign and share this petition to transform Loulé’s “hell” Kennel into a more appropriate shelter for the animals collected by this municipality.
These are only a few examples of what’s happening in Loulé, European Capital of Sport, Portugal:
- Traps were placed to catch stray animals for sterilization, but at least one of them was "forgotten" and people found the skeleton of an animal that died of starvation. A photograph of that skeleton inside the cage has been taken and is now shocking people all over the world.
- Several animals are kept together in horrible places and can be locked there for months. In permanent stress, dogs attack each other and are hit by water jets “to calm down".
- Witnesses also reveal shocking surgeries made by the municipal veterinarian, Mr. Pina, to several hunting dogs, which is against the law (a couple of tourists saw and photographed an hunter’s truck full of cages with injured dogs. It is known that surgeries to “fix” hunting dogs are a common practise in Loulé’s Municipal Kennel).
- Other shocking reports are related with several cats buried alive with the permission of Mr. Pina, municipal veterinarian.
- More than once, the kennel refused voluntary help from citizens and associations and it does not promote or facilitate adoptions of these animals in permanent suffering. Why?
All over the Algarve there are dozens of associations and groups of local and foreign people living in the region who work for the animal welfare. They felt outraged to find out what is happening in the Municipal Kennel Loulé which is a public institution. The government can’t ignore this much longer as it mobilized a large part of the foreign community living here and this will affect the tourism in the country.
Loulé (Portugal) has been elected as European City of Sport in 2015 and it should respect the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. As it is stated in article 8.4 from this Convention “If these conditions are not adequately met, it shall recommend measures and, if necessary for the welfare of the animals, it shall prohibit the commencement or continuation of the activity”.
The living conditions of these animals, as well as the rules of procedure of this public institution should be urgently improved.
Thank you very much for your attention and care.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
We are already in september and we need to go forward to help those poor animals in Loulé's kennel. PLEASE, continue to share so that we can reach 4000 signatures!
Thank you so much!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
We don't have other news about what happens now at the "Hell" kennel in Loulé, Portugal. We suppose that, unfortunately, life for those poor dogs remains the same.
We, of course, will continue our action. We will continue our action ut we need 4000 signatures.
Thank you so much to help us continue and for your support.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Thank you so much for supporting this cause. To reach our goal, we need you....Let's continue to spread the word as we are far from our target (10.000 signatures).
In Portugal, we need, at least, 4000 signatures to be accepted. We are not giving up! Let's be a voice for those poor dogs and cats who are prisonners of that hell'kennel in Loulé (Portugal).
We together only will be able to increase the pressure on the EU.
Thanks a lot for them!